
Farm Sermons is unavailable, but you can change that!

Agricultural metaphors permeate Scripture. In Genesis, we learn of Abel tending flocks and Cain working the fields. In the Psalms we read of God’s creation—plants, animals, and the variety of life. Jesus told parables of sowing and harvesting. Today, the church still uses such metaphors—planting the seed of the Gospel in the hearts of others. Charles Spurgeon, keenly aware of the prominence of...

life. Let the principal wheat be sown in every action If we are truly Christians we must be as much Christians outside the church as in it. We shall try to make our eating and our drinking, and everything we do, tend to the glory of God. Draw no line between the secular and the religious part of your conduct, but let the secular be made religious by a devout desire to glorify God in the one as much as in the other. Let us worship God in the commonest duties of life, even as they do who stand before
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